Recorded June 14, 2019
What is TDD?
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process which prescribes the following steps, in order:
• Write a test that proves whether the implementation works or fails, and watch the test fail (this prevents false positives, and proves that the implementation code is what makes the test pass).
• Write the implementation code and watch the test pass.
• Refactor, if needed, relying on the tests to warn you if you break the code in the process.
TDD has many benefits. It helps development teams eradicate fear of change, feel confident to employ a continuous delivery process, and it can make you a better developer by teaching you about tight coupling, and how to avoid it.
Many teams have adopted TDD, or begun to adopt TDD, and need some help to understand the process better. Other teams have not yet implemented TDD, and need some help deciding if its right for them. If you're already using TDD, TDD day will help you take your process to the next level by teaching you how to write better tests, how to decide what to unit test, and what needs functional tests, instead. It will help you understand how to create better messages when tests fail, and teach you how to avoid the overhead of mocking every I/O bound service in your application.
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About Eric Elliott
He enjoys a remote lifestyle with the most beautiful woman in the world.